Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Time capsule

[posted by risa] "Look what I found while I was cleaning out the office." I glanced at the tattered, yellowed pages in Beloved's hand -- and did a double take. "Whoa! This is the records from the old homestead! Can I post these?" "Sure; they're a window into another world." "When We Were Young." "And a lot stronger and more productive than we are now, apparently!" So, here you go, Dear Readers. A Bear Family time capsule:
Blkberry jam 8 qts
Strawberry jam 12 qts
pickled Beets 6 qts
sweet pickles 42 qts [!!]
dill pickles 7 qts
dill carrots 3 qts
relish 3 pints
tomatoes 25 qts [?]
zucchini 13 qts
Apple Puree 9 [qts?]
Apple sauce 7
Apple butter 8 pints
plum pieces 19 qts
Blk Berry Puree 3
Strawberry Sauce/Puree 14 qts
Strawberry 2 flats freezer 15 qts 11.50
Raspberry 4 flats freezer 23 1 1/2 pints 2 qrts 1 qrt [?] 26.00
U-pick cherries 55 lbs canned 35 qts rest eaten fresh 13.50
Applesauce 1 grocery bag 7 qts 6 pints
Applebutter 1 1/2 grocery bags
Blkberry freeze 17 1.5 pints
peaches 80 lbs canned 63 quarts 20.00
greenbeans 2 rows Royal purple freeze 20 pints
broccoli 2 rows 13 qts froze
dill pickles 7 qts canned
chutney 3 pts Green Tom canned
relish 7 pts canned
apple B 7 pts "
Pear B 5 pts "
sweet pickles 4 pts "
plums 18 qts canned
plum sauce 17 qts, 6 pts
plum juice 3 qts
14 qts Applesauce transparent
10 qts Blk jam
12 pts Blk jam
5 qts corn - frozen
10 qts greens - frozen
1/2 dear [sic] 30 lbs
1/2 salmon 8 lbs (1/2 for 1981) [?]
6 sea fish 30 lbs [rockfish and lingcod]
1/2 pig 50 lbs (1/2 was 1979)
1/4 cow 120 lbs
Green Sprouting Broccoli excellent
Royal Purple good for pickling, excellent taste
Runner beans not prolific -- encourage up poles
Butternut Squash start earlier 10 small
sugar pumpkins excellent one dozen to store
market cukes ok
Pickling cukes ok
lemon cukes ok
Red cabbage excellent
Blk Simson lettuce excellent -- planted directly
chicl [?] lettuce excellent -- planted directly
sucram carrots small, sweet
scarlet keelper carrots Larger, not quite as tasty
Dear [sic] tongue terrific, stood light frost
Kupo4 [??] carrots ok
Sp. [spaghetti] Squash fine dozen to store
goat one freeze 30 lbs free
salmon 1/2 freeze 8 lbs free
cow 1/4 freeze 125 lbs - 168.00
dear [sic] one freeze 60 lbs free
cow one freeze 370 lbs 293.00
pig one freeze 47 lbs 79.00
The "dear" may seem small but they were Coast Range Blacktail bucks, notable for being much, much smaller than Eastern Whitetails. Even the ones that have been raiding our garden this year are considerably larger, presumably because the smaller size of the mountain Blacktails is to their advantage in the extremely dense rainforest vegetation there. "Deer tongue" is a lettuce. I think. Not listed are the dozens of cottontails that graced our tables in 1978 and 1979. Their population had exploded, and there was no rabbit fence around the garden. So they took what they wanted from us, and we took from them accordingly. A fair exchange, it seemed to us at the time. Still does... -30-


  1. Anonymous1:09 PM

    You have been doing this for a long time - well done. It was interesting to read. i remember eating rabbit a lot as a kid (then they all got mixy and werent safe to eat) My dad used to cook 'kentucky fried rabbit' the closest we got to KFC!

  2. I just want to know what was going on in 1980. You guys totally ROCKED that year! Were you expecting the apocalypse?

  3. It's a little misleading because we were sharing resources with another family that year, with whom we were trying to establish an alternative high school in our mountain valley. We bit off WAY more than we could chew, but it wasn't about the food -- which was really really good stuff --

  4. ...this seems to explain the abundance of pickle jars...


Stony Run Farm: Life on One Acre