Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Digging in

My son tells me I am a “disaster otaku.” Well, maybe.

Growing and putting by food, adding insulation, finding alternative ways of getting at water and providing heat and lighting, putting away the credit card, paying ahead on and retiring debt, not eating out or going out to the movies or concerts, or paying for cable, or getting my hair done or shopping for style — these are strategies that seem worth while to me right now, along with getting to know neighbors, sharing rides, finding ways to get to and use public transit, and staycationing. I’m not even planning to get the DTV box — who needs it — We have a nice collection of old VHS and some newer DVDs, old vinyl records and a phonograph, some acoustic musical instruments, Scrabble, Monopoly, and books, books, books. And I have someone to read them to me while I shell beans.

I've been experimenting with not riding around in motorboats, not skiing, not watching the Superbowl, and not hanging out in a mosh pit, and, so far, I'm still breathing.

Think about it: home from work, recycled items in hand, via small-town bus, eat a few small Yukon Gold potatoes with sliced Roma tomatoes, change clothes, and go out and pull down bean poles, unwind dying runner bean vines from poles, stack poles, give vines to poultry, check later for de-leaved vines, feed vines to chipper, fork over the compost, come in for tea as the darkness gathers, wash your face and hands with hot water from atop the woodstove, read some more Kingsolver, brush out your hair, put on your nightgown, pull the blanket over you, touch your Beloved's cheek. It's all relatively inexpensive and sustainable.

Avoid complications, and, to some extent, complications will, if the angels smile, avoid you -- for awhile.


  1. What wonderful thoughts. I truly wish it were my life. It sounds pretty relaxing, even though it's hard work.

    Peace to you.

  2. Ah ... but ... "for awhile." The angels link leads to a definition of TANSTAAFL ... which is, ultimately, about the second law of thermodynamics -- I looked at my mom and dad's gear -- oxygen bottles -- tub railings -- hospital bed -- walker -- pharmaceutical reference: [Wicked grin] "Umm, can I have all this when, ah, y'all don't need it anymore?"

    [Wicked grin in reply] "Why yes, honey, y'can."

  3. Nice post. Very inspiring and and relaxing.


Stony Run Farm: Life on One Acre