Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June at Stony Run

The fruit trees in the chicken moat have been painted white up to about "hopping" height. Bugs climbing up the trunk face stiffer opposition from the hens against the white background. Also, I think, the coating lowers temperature in the cambium on hot days and conserves moisture.

This is the first year the pears have set some fruit. They were planted two winters ago. Most look okay, but one variety seems to have a rust disease. We'll put a watch on that.

This bed is the Three Sisters. Corn (Golden Bantam) hills are interspersed with pumpkins; a couple of weeks later, green beans are added to chase after the corn and climb it, while adding nitrogen.

The Scarlet Runners have sprouted. In case they didn't show, we also filled the bed with potatoes and trellising cucumbers. It will be interesting to see how that goes.

Foreground, tomatoes, mostly Stupice, I think, with maybe a Roma there; behind them, leeks, rest of the bed, Red and Yukon Gold potatoes.

Green beans have mostly survived the slugs and are ready to take over their pyramid.

Peas have reached the beginnings of the eating stage. It's five years since we've seen them climb like this; a welcome sight.

Gardener snaps herself as she goes past the garden mirror. That quizzical but satisfied expression may have to do with some tart pie cherries she's just eaten. She's on her way to the firepit to set up some wood for a Midsummer's Eve gathering tomorrow night.


  1. The garden looks lovely, and so does your self-portrait! Blessed Lithia to you and yours.

  2. Many happy solstices to you and yours! ^__^


Stony Run Farm: Life on One Acre