Sunday, June 28, 2015

Beans, beans, beans

A frog in the corn is an indicator of adequate irrigation ... I hope ...

I find the broad beans rewarding to grow but a little difficult to process. I was asked what is the difference between broad beans and favas. To me, it's all favas but the little ones are "field beans" and the big ones are "broad beans."

The pods are bendy but fibrous and do not snap like green beans, nor to they zip open by pulling the "string" as one does with peas. I resort to sliding a knife down each one and kind of folding each bean out, one by one. The pods will go right back in the beds, under straw.

It's best done with music and cider, I find. Today we have Glenn Gould playing the Goldberg Variations.

I have a small fan suspended from the ceiling, aimed at the drying rack, and will rake the beans round till they re dried past molding. They should be able too sit in a half gallon mason jar through the winter -- or two or three winters, if need be.

I'll sleep well tonight, and I'm sure I will dream of beans, beans, beans.

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