Friday, November 04, 2011

Everywhere at once

So, it is time to get caught up a bit.

Frost hit the garden while Risa was away:

There's still plenty to eat out there, so she picks the remaining tomatoes and squash -- 

-- harvests the sunflower stems for kindling --

-- sets them out to dry in the sunny part of the woodshed --

-- and stores the squash and pumpkins indoors. She'll make tomato sauce later, after harvesting a few onions.

At the rate we're going, it will be next week or even later before the potatoes are lifted. But who can be everywhere at once?


  1. Looks like you already made a decent dent in the work to be done. Of course, the tasks on a homestead are never-ending!

    Good to have you home again. :)


Stony Run Farm: Life on One Acre