Saturday, July 17, 2010

A July morning at the north window

Risa runs a little bit of well water from the tap every morning, and toasts the garden with it. This year's garden is making a poor showing compared to most at Stony Run, due to the cold, late start; but every garden deserves to be thanked, don't you think?



  1. what a lovely idea. we say thanks way too seldom.

    thank you for your blog!

  2. Anonymous9:42 AM

    What a wonderful morning ritual! And yes every garden should be thanked.

  3. what a beautiful garden to view. a much nicer showing than my late-planted garden here in kansas. and what glory to eat so directly from your land so often.

    still waiting on my first round of greens, tomatoes, and peppers. i dreamt my peppers ripened overnight, but went outside to find that they hadn't. hmph.

  4. I dream of us all picking ripe peppers. ;)


Stony Run Farm: Life on One Acre