Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Newly defined space

Today, Risa begins collecting Social Security. She's also eligible for a fifteen percent discount on Amtrak, and other goodies. At least she's not using a walker yet!

Risa has enclosed the "goat barn." Next, a coat of barn red (this was requested).

It's always thrilling to see a newly defined space for the first time. The wall and windows are all recycled from free materials.

Meanwhile, in the old barn, new life. These are supposed to be all Australorps, but the guy at the feed store appears to have scooped up an Americauna among them. Oh, well.

Not a lot going on in the garden, but here are a collard and a kale getting ready for seed saving.


  1. Happy, Happy Risa. I agree, collect the discounts whenever possible. I'm receiving a few already, and won't complain. They've been hard-won.
    I, too, vote for a coat of sealer on that fab looking barn! Great repurposing effort!

  2. Happy Birthday! Does this also mean you qualify for the "Golden" discount life pass for the National Parks? (That's a good one!)

  3. >singing

    Fine by me!! ;)


    alas, red stain it will be.


    Yes, and thank you for the heads-up! ... but I'm not likely to make much use of it. Maybe one or two more visits to Crater Lake, which at $10 all day is such a deal. People who motor around a lot will find the pass very handy. But at $4 a gallon -- and so much carbon! The mind boggles ...


Stony Run Farm: Life on One Acre