Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Use everything

I use medium to large tomatoes in canning projects, especially mild salsas. I know to keep the peelings out, but don't like the step where you scald or whatever and slip them off. I want those! So what I do, peel them as I would a potato, salt the peelings down, add a little vinegar and haul them out to the solar dryer. That's my dehydrated tomatoes.

The naked innards then go into the crockpot with whatever other ingredients I want in my salsa, where they cook down to thicken with the lid ajar.

Those other ingredients often raise the Ph so I add a lot of vinegar to that as well. A couple of cloves of garlic, whizzed with the vinegar in the blender, invariably finish off the variable recipe.

For raw, I'm good with the itty bitty cherry tomatoes that escaped the peeling frenzy.

If the seeds are open-pollinated and you want them, save seed at this time as well. 

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