Wednesday, March 13, 2024

無處 6

無處 6

After snow, deluge. 

The hut travels a bit 

toward the creek, expounding

the first noble truth

Awakening to find trees and fences down, the old woman instinctively checks her pulse, as if to discover how many beats remain. When we are told we are one with the universe, we nod in agreement, but also tend to grab something and hold on.


Of all the waters in the world
The Ocean is greatest.
All the rivers pour into it
Day and night;
It is never filled.

--Chuang-Tzu, tr. Thomas Merton

1 comment:

  1. Regressing accreted Buddhism back to the First Noble Truth, we find that Buddha simply noted entropy and advised us on ways to attain a soft landing. >>

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